Rebranding Troy Lighting with successful communication plan, new identity design and company video.
As part of the Littman Brands family of lighting companies (Now named Hudson Valley Lighting Group), Troy Lighting was considered one of the original brands in its’ portfolio, however it was in desperate need for a change in its perception and image, to appeal to the new generation of dealers, trade professionals and consumers.

Challenge: Troy Lighting’s long history of sourcing and crafting thoughtful lighting fixtures was not being communicated both visually and in their messaging. As creative director, Natalie Schlocker (formerly of DRS and Associates) took on the project to develop an over hall on the brand. This initiative would be accomplished through creating messaging that reinforces Troy Lighting as a team of experts, craftsmen and experimentalists who rewrite the rules of lighting design through bench made products. Forging diverse and innovative fixtures uniquely treated by the human hand and thoughtfully devised for the human eye. Troy Lighting’s mission has been to focus on developing functional products that elicit emotions and draw connections.
Storytelling and visuals were oriented toward a user that recognizes lighting must fulfill a double imperative of aesthetics and functionality. However, in positioning Troy Lighting through text and graphics, not only the artistic appeal and practical capabilities of the products in a written and visual language that entices the user—but also acknowledge this individual whose buying choices are motivated by a complex set of desires and feelings.
The first step was to create a brand strategy to determine Troy Lighting’s roots and to clearly identify their core audience. Under the direction of Natalie Schlocker, guidelines and messaging for all marketing efforts and a new logo captured the essence of the company through a lightbulb filament. In addition, DRS wrote and produced a brand video. Other top-level marketing collateral that followed was a 400-page catalog redesign, packaging, hang tags and an updated website and blogsite.

Brand Statement Outcome: Since 1963, Troy Lighting has transcended time and workmanship of authentic and handcrafted artistry into the creation of all of its products, producing only the highest quality fixtures in both design and structure.
Results: The end result placed Troy Lighting in a stronger position within the mid to high-end lighting category. These initiatives helped generate a wider audience that not only included consumers but interior designers alike.